Oils Description and General Use Precaution BASIL Eases mental fatigue, headache, stress, stimulates memory, for digestion, depression. 1,4 BERGAMOT Very refreshing and great for nervous and depressed emotions, antiseptic. 3,4 BIRCH Astringent, for sore and stiff muscles and joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism, and tendonitis. 4 CEDARWOOD A very calming oil, for oily skin, respiratory problems. 1,4 CLARY SAGE Relief for PMS. Soothing, relaxing, intoxicant, euphoric oil, depression, nervousness. 1,2,5 CLOVE BUD Mental stimulant, energizing, antiseptic, for digestive system, toothache pain, disinfectant. 4 CYPRESS Spicy and woodsy, antispasmodic, good for colds, menopause, circulatory conditions. 1 EUCALYPTUS Anti-viral, good for respiratory ailments, soothes sore muscles, fevers, antiseptic 1 FENNEL Excellent body cleanser, eliminates toxins, PMS, menopause, for digestive and stomach disorders, decreases appetite, reduces stress. 1,2,4 FIR Pine scent, antiseptic, good for respiratory and nervous system, refreshing, comforting, disinfectant. GERANIUM Eases stress, for aging skin, antidepressant, clears toxins and wastes, adrenal and hormone balancer. GRAPEFRUIT Anti-depressant, treats PMS, and menopause "hot flashes", helps obesity, migraines, air refresher. 3 JUNIPER Diuretic, purifies blood, for back problems, and muscle aches. 1 LAVENDER The most useful and versatile oil, it is calming and pleasant, antibacterial, for burns and headaches. LEMON Light, refreshing, a diuretic, it detoxes and purifies, it cleans your environment, antibacterial, antiseptic. 1,4 LEMONGRASS Stimulates, energizes, for exhaustion, aids recovery, good for digestion and flatulence. 4 MARJORAM Sedative, insomnia, warming analgesic for pain in lower back, lowers blood pressure, comfort for grief. 1 ORANGE Skin tonic, plumps up aging and dry skin, for anxiety and depression, calming for stomach. 3,4 PALMAROSA Uplifting, and fresh scent, antiseptic, hydrating, a cellular regenerative used for skin problems. 3,4 PATCHOULI Exotic, earthy, sensual, a rejuvenator, astringent, it curbs appetite. PEPPERMINT Stimulating, used for headaches and nausea, very cooling. 1,4,6 PINE Antiseptic, a good disinfectant, it is stimulating, good for circulation, for colds, flu, and bronchitis, invigorating. ROSEMARY Stimulating, astringent, for muscle aches, used in hair care. 1,2,6 SANDALWOOD An aphrodisiac, for meditation, and menstrual problems. SPRUCE, BLACK Aids respiratory, nervous and glandular systems, stress. TANGERINE Calming, for insomnia, nervousness, and stretchmarks, soothes digestion. 3 TEA TREE Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, strengthens immune system. 4 VETIVER Calms, balances, for dry, irritated, or mature skin, good for stress. YLANG YLANG "Flower of flowers", an aphrodisiac and antidepressant, it eases anger, it relaxes body, mind, and spirit. 4 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - 1 - Do not use during pregnancy 2 - Avoid in cases of epilepsy 3 - Photosensitivity, avoid direct sunlight 4 - May irritate sensitive skin 5 - No alcohol, may cause drowsiness 6 - Avoid in cases of high blood pressure Print this Page for Quick Reference -- DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY!! Always use oils diluted; 2 or 3 % in a base oil. Keep oils away from eyes and mucous membranes. Keep out of the reach of children. Beware of contra-indications. Check with your medical doctor before using any essential oils, especially if pregnant. We suggest a patch test for sensitivity, if irritation develops, discontinue use immediately. Essential oils are very concentrated so use with extreme care. Follow Aromatherapist's guidelines for using essential oils. This information if for general information and education only.